Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Tishri 20, 5997 YB / Tishri 20, 5784 AM / October 4, 2023 AD

My Messages to the World

The world has now entered a state of hyperinflation, as I predicted many years ago would happen. The hyperinflation has only just begun and has already begun stinging all humanity, but it is only going to get worse, everywhere in the world. The price of food and the cost of rent and the price of goods will quickly double then triple then quadruple then continue ballooning exponentially, and salaries and savings will not keep up, and humanity will be left impoverished and starving and many will be left homeless. This is going to happen very quickly, in the next 3 years. The global hyperinflation will become so severe that paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage, because it will become worthless. Recent spikes in inflation all over the world have now already caused the prices of goods to rise quickly, and also the salaries and savings of everyone have also lost value quickly. This in turn has now already caused increased protests and looting and theft, all around the world. People are angry. And workers from various industries are on strike all over the world, since everything is so extremely expensive. This is another thing I predicted would happen, severe protests and looting and theft, as a result of the hyperinflation. Yet this is only the beginning of all the troubles coming to all humanity. The hyperinflation and protests and looting and theft is going to get much worse. This is why paper money and fiat currency is evil, because when the value of money is merely an illusion, it always leads a nation towards hyperinflation and eventual collapse. Even so, although the peak of the hyperinflation that is coming against the entire world hasn’t already happened, the world is already severely impoverished by inflation, although most people have not noticed, because it has been a slow progression over several decades of accumulated inflation. In one example, around 50 years ago people in Mexico were able to purchase a home entirely without debt with only around 3 years of work at minimum wage, whereas today it takes a person around 20 years of work to purchase a home at minimum wage. It was common for our parents and grandparents to own their homes and without debt, yet not so much anymore in the current generation. Everything is extremely expensive already, which is why it is now common for people to buy homes with mortgages or buy vehicles with auto loans or use credit cards to buy goods. This is the result of accumulated inflation, slowly eating aways at people’s salaries and savings over the years and decades. And the root cause of the rise in prices is the form of money humanity is currently using to buy and sell with, which is what many people do not understand. They blame their landlords for increasing their rents and they blame their employers for paying them for little, but in truth they should be blaming the banks, for giving all humanity a form of money that loses its value over time, causing prices to increase and the value of salaries to decrease. And even though the recent spikes of inflation have been slightly controlled by the banks, the damage to people’s purchasing power has already been done, and hyperinflation has already begun. This is why the banks desire inflation to be only 2%, so that people do not notice the slow rise in prices. People today need debt to buy what our ancestors could easily buy without debt with their higher value of money, especially when money was gold and silver, for thousands of years. Paper money and fiat currency is a scam, of around the last 100 years. Whereas gold and silver is the true money of God, whose value is based on weight. When money is gold and silver, the phenomenon of hyperinflation does not happen in a nation, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow, and 10 ozt of gold will always be greater than 1 ozt of gold. Gold money causes prices to be stable in a society, because gold money is a true commodity and the value of this money is based on its weight, not some imaginary number whose value is variable and volatile. Whereas 1 USD today is not the same 1 USD tomorrow, and a paper bill printed with a $1 is no different than a bill printed with a $10, except only the mere imaginary number assigned to it. The number printed on the bill represents nothing. It is merely just a number. Paper money and fiat currency only benefits the banks, not the people, because through the imaginary value of fiat currency the banks leverage devaluation and inflation to then slowly become the owners of everything in the world through debt. This is why they don’t want us using gold and silver as money, otherwise their scam would not be possible, because it is not a money whose value they can control and change, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow. All nations of the earth have adopted paper money and fiat currency, which is why the entire global financial system is eventually going to hyperinflate and collapse. This scam is not going to continue on forever. It will indeed eventually collapse, as the scriptures tell us will happen. And it is everyone’s fault, because it is the acceptance of everyone that keeps this evil form of money circulating. If everyone refused to accept it as money, then it would no longer circulate. This is why everyone who receives the mark of the beast is worthy to be thrown over the lake of lava for it. And paper money and fiat currency is the true mark of the beast of Revelation. Over the years I have warned many “christians” about the evil of paper money and fiat currency. But they refuse to accept it as evil. They prefer to believe in a fantasy that the mark of the beast will be microchip implants that will be received literally on the right hand and forehead, rather than understand that the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast was figuratively telling us about a forbidden form of money all humanity would adopt to buy and sell with, which today is paper money and fiat currency. Now soon they are going to begin suffering the consequences of their stubbornness and refusal to give up this evil form of money, once they are left impoverished and in famine. Then they will know I was right about everything I told them beforehand. They had the chance to prepare, but they didn’t want to be inconvenienced.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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