Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Tammuz 1, 5996 YB / Tammuz 1, 5783 AM / June 19, 2023 AD

My Messages to the World

There is a growing trend in the USA and in the world of men convincing themselves they are truly women, and women convincing themselves they are truly men. Transgenderism. They surgically alter their bodies to try to become the other gender. When society reaches this point of depravity its own destruction is not far away. The Torah says that God made the bodies of Adam and Eve to be “male and female”. All humanity descends from them, and our bodies are programmed to be only male or female. There is no such thing as “non-binary”, you are either male or female. Society today is confused and in lunacy. And the Torah also forbids men from dressing as women, and women from dressing as men. Transvestism in itself is a forbidden act. God wants us to accept the gender he assigned to us, and to only wear what is pertinent for our gender. If you have a penis, then you are a man. If you have a vagina, then you are a woman. If you were born from a human and have arms and legs, then you are a human. If you were born from a dog and have paws and a tail, then you are dog. To be a man or a woman, or let alone a human or a dog, is not something you can be by merely thinking you are that, but it is something that you already are by the mere biology of your own body that God assigned to you from conception. It is already written deep in our DNA to be a man or a woman, or let alone a human or a dog. It’s not something that you can change by merely thinking you are something else, or even by altering your body to try to mimic something else. If a human puts on a dog costume he will still be a human. And if a man puts on women’s clothing and surgically alters his body he will still be a man. Only God can create living bodies with all its complex cellular and biochemical interactions, and only he can create a true biological man and a true biological woman. And only God has the power to change our bodies into something else if he had the prerogative to do so, seeing that he made the human body from dust. He has the power to instantly transform the body of a cat into a horse, or the body of a worm into a bird, if he had the prerogative to do so. Even with Moses he instantly transformed a staff into a serpent. Only God has the level of power to do these higher things, whereas our level of power is limited to only killing another living body or making superficial alterations to our living bodies. We ourselves can never create living bodies from nothing, nor can we ever instantly transform one living body to be another type of living body, nor can we instantly transform the gender of one living body to be another gender. We simply do not have that level of power, nor does God want us to attempt to make these changes with whatever little power we do have. And whatever changes someone tries to do to their own bodies will never be as good as what God originally made, which is why what is originally natural always looks better than what is surgically altered. God also does not want us to modify our bodies with plastic surgery. This is also a forbidden act. Our bodies are set-apart, because they were made in the representation of God.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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