Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Nisan 29, 5997 YB / Nisan 29, 5784 AM / May 6, 2024 AD

My Messages to the World

In the next 2 years all money in the world is going to enter a state of hyperinflation. Even in greater nations like the USA and in Europe. No nation will be spared from the coming global hyperinflation. The value of money will evaporate like vapor. Paper money will be thrown on the streets like garbage. People will not be able to get paper money from the banks, because the central banks will not be able to keep printing new money to keep up with the global hyperinflation. And banks will close, and people will not be able to access the money in their bank accounts nor buy with their debit cards and will lose all their money. The stock markets will collapse, and those in Wall Street will be in panic. Pensions will become worthless, and the elderly who relied on pensions to live will not have money to buy food. Public services will be interrupted, because of the global economic turmoil. There will be power outages all over the world. Many people will become homeless, because they could no longer afford to pay their rent, because their salaries and savings could not keep up with the new higher prices of everything. And many in the world will become hungry, because food and drinking water will become scarce, and also extremely expensive because of the global hyperinflation. This is one reason why I have advised all of you to stock up on food and drinking water, not only because of the coming global drought, but because of the coming global financial collapse. But most of you have not listened, now you are about to drink from a very bitter cup. Listen to my advise. Do not rent. Purchase property without debt, so that you can live in it without worries in these next 2 years. If you cannot purchase property, then team up with friends or family that do, and serve them, so that you all have a place to live in without worries. And stock up on food and drinking. Do as the Floridians do when a hurricane is coming, they stock up on food and drinking water and necessities, and team up and shelter in their homes, awaiting the storm to come. This is the best advise anyone can give you. Most people are walking around ignorant bliss, unaware of what is about to happen. Do not be like them. Be conscious, and prepare, like an intelligent person does. And even now all the warning signs are already around us giving us a small preamble of what is about to happen. Take notice. Also, do not be dumb and wait until the last moment to act with preparations, because more than likely it will already be too late. Prepare now in this small window of opportunity that we still have, before every door closes around you. The longer you wait the more difficult it will be. Believe now and prepare now.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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