Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Elul 1, 5996 YB / Elul 1, 5783 AM / August 17, 2023 AD

My Messages to the World

Today we are now in the 1st day of the new moon of Elul, in the Jewish Babylonian calendar. In the next new moon in Tishri 10 we will arrive at the year 5,997 from creation. It will be precisely 3 years until the return of Yeshua, in the autumn of 2026 AD, in the Gregorian Roman calendar. The descension of Yeshua will be in Elul 22. Then 7 and 1/2 days later the 7 trumpets of Revelation will be blasted for 7 days, beginning in Tishri 1. They will be heard all over the world. Then 3 days later in Tishri 10 it will be the year 6,000, in 2026 AD. The great shofar will be blasted on that day. Today there was an earthquake in Bogota, Colombia. Many people ran to streets, afraid. Lately there have been many reports emerging of earthquakes throughout the entire world. This should not come as a surprise as we approach the return of Yeshua. These are birth pangs. The earthquakes are going to continue intensifying everywhere in the world, leading up to 1 final earthquake in 3 years at the return of Yeshua, which will be a global earthquake, that will cause the collapse of every city on earth. It will be the 7th and final plague of Revelation. Every building on the earth will collapse. Houses and government buildings and hospitals and police buildings and power lines and everything constructed by humanity will all collapse. Only the ancient Jerusalem and its walls will remain standing. The two witnesses of Revelation have not revealed themselves to all humanity yet. This is extremely concerning, because apparently God has decided to not give the world an ample 3 and 1/2 year warning before the return of Yeshua as we had hoped he would do. But instead, it seems that God has appointed that they appear later in time in these final 3 and 1/2 years, so that the warning to the world may be very short and the destruction very sudden. Essentially by the time they appear, the end will already be upon us, and humanity will have very little time to react and prepare. This is why I forewarned everyone that the two witnesses are going to appear in ways we do not expect, even for us who have studied their coming thoroughly. They have not appeared yet although we are already in the final 3 and 1/2 years. This is extremely unexpected, but we must still stand firm in what we know and be prepared for the worst in these final years and be ready for the return of Yeshua.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding


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