Wisdom of God Equipping the people of God with understanding

Chesvan 23, 5997 YB / Chesvan 23, 5784 AM / November 6, 2023 AD

My Messages to the World

Three of the greatest mysteries in the history of all humanity are finally about to finally be exposed, who the true identity of the antichrist is and who the true prostitute of Babylon in the book of Revelation is and what the true mark of the beast is. But it will not be what most people expect, not even what most christians and catholics expect. Many people and many christians and catholics expect the antichrist to appear as some nefarious looking man that in the span of less than 7 years will somehow take dominion over the entire world begin and will begin to rule over all nations of the world and will quickly force everyone to implant microchips on their forehead and hand to buy and sell and that anyone who refuses to implant the microchip will be put to death. These are all fantastical and unrealistic notions that are all based on misinterpretation of prophecy. The true antichrist is much more subtle, and seemingly normal. What many people fail to understand is that the antichrist was always predestined to come in the context of Rome, which is the 4th beast of Daniel. And also what many people fail to understand is that the antichrist is not just one man, but a succession of Roman kings, who were first called “emperors”, and then today they are called “popes”. Even the Roman pope today is a king, for Vatican City is one of the last remaining absolute monarchies of the earth, with the Roman pope enthroned as its absolute king. Each one has been the antichrist in their respective time, just under different titles and different names, each having the breath of the antichrist, and more than likely also unwittingly, unaware that they are the fulfillment of the prophecies of the antichrist. They are really just puppets of Satan. Just as the Jews were ignorant and were unaware that they were fulfilling prophecy when they delivered Yeshua to be crucified. This is why the believers in the time of the apostle Paul were expecting the antichrist to arrive in their time, as someone who would surround Jerusalem with armies and destroy Jerusalem and destroy the temple and proclaim himself to be God at the temple. This already happened with Titus, who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, and became emperor of Rome, and according to writings of Josephus, he was worshiped at the temple and he proclaimed himself to be God there. And the Romans even put up an image of Caesar at the temple, a former emperor of Rome, which was also worshiped there. This was the “abomination of desolation” that the prophet Daniel spoke about. Most believers ignore this part of history, and think this is still a future prophecy that will be fulfilled by a future antichrist that has not yet appeared. The Roman emperors were worshiped by the Romans as gods, and even constructed temples for their emperor gods. But the prophecy regarding the antichrist doesn’t stop with Titus, it continues, as the Roman succession continued with more emperors, then popes, leading up to the return of Yeshua in our time, who will then destroy this evil succession and Rome entirely. The Roman succession of antichrists is a long history of almost 2,000 years since the appearance of Titus who destroyed Jerusalem. That is around how long the antichrist has been present on the earth, but most people are just blind and unaware, because it is a very subtle deception. Over the centuries from the time the Roman emperors destroyed Jerusalem and were exalted at the temple, they eventually become believers of Yeshua. Then they eventually established a new religion in Rome that incorporated belief in Yeshua, but without the Jewish Torah that they hated, which then became what today we call “catholicism”. In truth Yeshua never created a new religion that disregarded the Torah of Moses, but rather, taught obedience to the Torah of Moses in the context of belief in him. So what the Roman emperors and popes taught the world was entirely different than the Jewish teachings of Yeshua based on the Torah. And they mixed their own ideologies into this new religion, which is why many symbols in catholicism are pagan. Even the adoration of the virgin Mary has a pagan origin, from ancient idolatrous practices. And then the Roman emperors became known as Roman “popes”, slowly taking on more of a religious leadership to the world. They taught the world lies that Mary is the “mother of God” and the “queen of heaven” and that she never lost her virginity and told the world to make statues of her and to adore her and to pray to her. They also taught the world that God is a trinity, which was never a teaching of judaism, and they also taught that the dead are “spiritually” alive in hell or in heaven right now. Which is also not a teaching of judaism, for the Torah and the prophets clearly state that the dead are asleep awaiting a future resurrection. And they even established a false priesthood, to mimic the Levitical priesthood of God in the temple in Jerusalem. And over the centuries as the Roman popes continued to teach their lies the world began associating belief in God to allegiance to the Roman popes. Whoever did not uphold what the Roman popes taught would be “excommunicated” and condemned to hell. They claimed to have the keys to heaven and hell, and usurped the authority Yeshua had granted the apostle Peter to establish their own false religious authority over the entire world. And of course, the ignorance of the masses propagated all these lies even further, and for a long time the Roman popes did not even allow people to read bibles, knowing that if people read and understood they would be exposed as liars. And whoever opposed the Roman popes would be tortured and put to death. This is the persecution that was foretold to happen by the antichrist, which today historians call the “inquisition”. The Roman popes forced their false religion upon the world, and churches were also constructed everywhere in the world that promulgated their false religion to all humanity and also collected money from everyone. And everything the Roman popes said influenced the entire world, permeating into every aspect of society, even today into music and movies reflecting some sort of Roman catholic ideology when mentioning God. And even what many protestants today believe is still based on what the Roman popes have taught, although they reject allegiance to the Roman popes. But “protestantism” is still very similar to “catholicism”, because they both disregard the Jewish Torah of Moses. This is all the influence of the antichrist, deceiving the entire world, yet it is very subtle, seeming very normal. And the Roman pope today is very charismatic, and not like former Roman emperors and Roman popes, who were brutal and cruel. So people have forgotten all the blood they have shed throughout history, and are deceived even more. And the changes the city of Rome has undergone through history obscures the truth even more also. Not only has the identity of Roman emperors changed into what today we know as Roman popes, but even Rome itself has changed in the span of 2,000 years. Rome is no longer the city that rules over the world, but today it is merely just the capital of a European nation called “Italy”. Italy does not rule over the world, and is like any other nation in Europe or even the world. However, the former power and authority of Rome has concentrated itself into one place in Rome, which is Vatican City. What was formerly a “pagan roman empire” ruled by Roman emperors then became a “catholic roman empire” ruled by Roman popes, and then today has become a “global financial system” clandestinely centered in Vatican City, in Rome, ruled by Roman popes. This is why Vatican City is symbolized as a “prostitute” in the book of Revelation, who figuratively has sex with all the kings of the world, and also rules over all the cities of the world. A prostitute has sex for money. Sex symbolizes a union. That union is central banks in every nation of the world. All central banks trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome. Every central bank of the world has collected gold from all humanity around the last 100 years, which is the money she has been paid as a prostitute. And through central banks, she issues paper money and fiat currency to every person in every nation, to buy and sell with. Which is the true mark of the beast of Revelation, paper money and fiat currency. For these are false weights, and anyone who has accepted this evil form of money has already figuratively accepted the mark of the beast. The true and righteous money of God is gold and silver, whose value is based on weight. Whereas the value of paper money and fiat currency is false and is merely an illusion, and is also deliberately devalued, to cause inflation, to then enslave the world through debt as everything slowly becomes more unaffordable. It is the greatest scheme of theft the world has ever seen. Receiving the mark on the right hand symbolizes possessing this evil form of money, which then grants a person authority to buy and sell, for the right hand is a symbol of authority. And receiving the mark on the forehead symbolizes having debt of fiat currency, which is another way to buy and sell, through debt of credit cards and auto loans and mortgages. For the forehead is a symbol of ownership, and to have a name imprinted on the forehead means to belong to that person, and since debt makes a borrower a slave to his lender, therefore having the mark on the forehead means debt of fiat currency. According to the book of Revelation Vatican City will be destroyed by the 10 nations that will form into the United States of Europe, which is symbolized at the 8th head of the 1st beast of Revelation. Which will cause the collapse of the global financial system. This is when the world will realize just how great Vatican City was, when her ruin is also their ruin. All fiat currencies in the world will enter a state of hyperinflation, and no one will be able to buy and sell. All over the world there will be severe famine, and riots, and looting, and public services will be interrupted. This will precede the return of Yeshua, and then Yeshua will return, and will destroy Vatican City and Rome and the evil succession of Roman popes. Vatican City will be struck a second time, as a double payback, but this time her punishment will come from God. A severe earthquake will cause the destruction of Vatican City and Rome, and that land will be divided into three, and it will never be inhabited again. The curse against Rome is extremely severe, for everything evil it has done throughout history.

About the author

Christian Gaviria Alvarez

A teacher of righteousness based on the Torah of God, through belief in Yeshua HaMashiach. Raised as a Gentile through the dispersion of the twelve tribes of Israel among the nations, but a descendant of Abraham from Jewish Sephardic ancestors from the tribe of Judah. Born in Florida, United States of America. Currently living in Medellin, Colombia. By profession a software developer. Expecting the second coming of Yeshua in 2026 AD, which will be precisely the year 6,000 from creation and also precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. 2026 AD will be 6000 YB, and the 120th Yovel year. Establishing an assembly in Medellin in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua. Teaching obedience to the Torah of Moses and belief in Yeshua, bearing good fruit by giving to the poor and doing good works and sharing with fellow believers, demonstrating humility by absolute dry fasting and not pursuing wealth and being content with what you currently have, removing the mark of the beast of Revelation by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency, and obtaining perfection by receiving the airflow of God through the new covenant of Yeshua.

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